Episode #215: Young Spring Power

Heliot Ramos (80) of the San Francisco Giants homered twice against the Chicago White Sox at Scottsdale stadium in Scottsdale, Ariz., on Thursday, March 4, 2021. Carlos Avila Gonzalez / The Chronicle

You can download the episode here, or stream it below!

The Giants have a small power surge going in their lineup this week with two bombs by young phenom Heliot Ramos and solo shots coming from six other players. Jose Alvarez also signed with the Giants this week, further bolstering their pen with yet another lefty. Eric and Chad talk about how the Giants are building their roster with depth as a strength, since they lack some of the talent that lurks on rosters in LA and San Diego. We also look at another top 5: this time our top 5 Giants pitchers in our own lifetimes. Obviously, Bum and Timmy made our lists, but perhaps we’re old enough to sneak on pitchers from the 80’s? Look for us to regularly record every Monday throughout the rest of the season. We streamed this episode on Facebook Live and the video is accessible below.



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